
Criminal Defense 

After Hours Criminal Defense

The 247 Help Group  can assist you in avoiding catastrophic changes to your lifestyle. We connect you with experienced attorneys that will uphold your constitutional rights by providing you with successful criminal defense. Call us today 1-888-201-6340.

Felony Cases

Misdemeanors are less serious than felonies. The term “felony” arose in English common law (from the French medieval word “félonie”) to indicate an offense that resulted in the confiscation of a convicted person’s land and property; lesser offenses were labeled misdemeanors. A felon is a person convicted of a felony in court.

Some common law countries and jurisdictions no longer classify crimes as felonies or misdemeanors and instead employ alternative classifications, such as indictable vs. summary crimes.

The U.S. federal government defines a felony as a crime punished by death or more than one year in prison. Misdemeanors carry a one-year maximum sentence. The classification is based on a crime’s prospective term, therefore a felony stays classified even if a defendant receives a one-year sentence or less. States may classify crimes by severity or circumstance.

Sex Crimes

A person 18 years or older who commits unlawful sexual activity with a minor if, under circumstances
not amounting to rape, object rape, forcible sodomy or aggravated sexual assault, the actor:
Has sexual intercourse with a minor, or Engages in any sexual act with the minor involving the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of another person, regardless of the sex of either participant, or Causes the penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of the minor by any foreign object, substance, instrument, or device, including a part of the human body, with the intent to cause substantial emotional or bodily pain to any person or with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, regardless of the sex of any participant.

Call 1-888-201-6340.

Aggravated Crimes

An aggravated crime means that additional factors were involved in circumstances surrounding the alleged offense. These factors must have increased the seriousness of the crime, such as the involvement of a deadly weapon. If the crime is considered aggravated, the charges have a potential for harsher penalties. Call 1-888-201-6340.


Criminal Defense

  • Sex Crimes 
  • White Collar Crimes 
  • DUI / DWI Offenses 
  • Felony Crimes 
  • Misdemeanor Crimes 
  • Parol Violation  / Probation  Violations 

After Hours Attorneys

When your freedom is on the line, you need more than a sales pitch.  You need straight talk from experienced after hours criminal defense attorneys with a track record of getting real results.

Give the 247 Help Group a Call Immediately. Call us at 1-888-201-6340.

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247 Help Group 

Raising the Bar in Criminal Defense